free resources just for you

I’ll say it forever — becoming a Travel Advisor was one of the best things I ever did for myself! It’s an incredible career opportunity for women of all ages. But before diving in, it’s important to ask yourself… Is Travel Advising Right For Me?

After starting, scaling, and selling a 6-figure travel agency — training + mentoring multiple new-to-industry advisors; and interviewing more aspiring advisors than I can remember; I’m your GIRL to help you answer that question.

New to working at home? Girl, let me help you!

For years I’ve been slowly mastering the work-from-home life. It’s almost all I’ve ever known, actually! Because I’ve been at it for so long, I’ve gotten pretty good at it!

Download my very best advice + Top 10 Tips to go from just surviving to absolutely thriving in your work-from-home job. PS: This isn’t meant for moms of small children — I’m still figuring out that one out myself ;)

Here’s what I tell all my college girls when I’m speaking on their campus:

Once you believe in the power you already have to take ownership of your own life + make it your own brand of beautiful, you’re already halfway there.

The next step is to give yourself the quiet space to dream it up! This guide is meant to help as you do just that: Define Your Own Brand of Beautiful. I can’t wait for you to dive in!

Successful Travel Advisor Launchpad
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resources available for purchase

From Letters To Leaders - Co-Authored by Bailie White