What would happen if every college woman was awake to their truest strengths before ever walking the graduation stage?

Too many women graduate college completely blind to what it is they want to do, who they want to be, or how they want their life to look and feel beyond college graduation.

Too many college women are not yet awake to their ability to take ownership of their own life, and make it their own brand of beautiful.

I’m Bailie White, and I’m here to change that.

I’m a motivational speaker with 7+ years of entrepreneurial experience and a heart for serving, motivating, and encouraging college-aged women.

I’m a sorority girl turned business owner, speaker, writer, podcaster, wife and mom — and most importantly, I’m living out what I have coined as my own ‘brand of beautiful.’

Just five years after my own college graduation, I had started, scaled, and sold my first business: a full-service luxury travel agency that reached multi-millions of dollars in annual sales, a team of 15 women, a celebrity clientele, and a whole lot of life lessons learned.

I aim to empower college women to take OWNERSHIP of their own lives and create their own ‘brands of beautiful.’

I do this by candidly sharing my unique journey through entrepreneurship, life, and the hard-earned lessons learned along the way - especially the ones I wish I had learned before I hit the college graduation stage myself.


  • College women are drowning in a world that stresses the importance of outwardly achievements. They're often taught "what" to think and do in life, but they aren't often enough taught "how" to think, or define their version of a successful, beautiful life.

    Ambition is a common characteristic of college women. But what are they being ambitious towards? Is it the happiness she experiences in her everyday, ordinary life? What about how excited she is (or isn't) to wake up each morning, get out of bed, and live out a day in her own shoes?

    By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

    - Recognize special strengths and abilities that already live inside of them.

    - Combat self-doubts and fears around finding their “place” in the post-grad world.

    - Acknowledge the challenges that await in their post-grad life, and prepare for how they can tackle them head-on.

    - Independently begin intentional, critical thinking about their future – beyond their budding careers.

    - Strategize unique action steps they can immediately implement as they begin walking towards their own brand of a beautiful life.

  • Recruitment lasts one week, but a sisterhood lasts forever. So how can Potential New Members prepare for a week that holds the weight of – well, forever on it?

    As a sorority girl turned entrepreneur, podcaster, wife and mom who is living out her own brand of beautiful, I can look back at over a decade of my own life and see how the decision I made on my own preference night has woven its way into almost every life chapter since.

    It’s easy to look back because hindsight is always 20/20, but what about when you’re a PNM looking out into the unknown future of recruitment?

    Their vision might seem blurry, but it doesn’t have to be!

    By the end of the presentation, PNMs will be able to:

    - Take ownership of their own, individual recruitment experience.

    - Feel confident showing up as their truest, most genuine selves during the recruitment process.

    - Experience clear vision on what they’re looking for in their sorority experience – during college and beyond.

    - Destress, breathe easier, and ENJOY the excitement of rush week!

  • As a known champion of college women taking ownership of and living out their own brands of beautiful IRL (In Real Life) - I also know the importance of taking those bits and pieces of our offline life, online.

    We’d be living in a false reality to believe an online presence wasn’t something that college students want to have, and arguably need to have, in today’s world.

    So how can college students show up intentionally online, with their future and their dreams in mind?

    By the end of the presentation, participants will be able to:

    - Differentiate between online and offline appropriate shares.

    - Develop a healthier relationship with their digital footprints.

    - Position themselves competitively online to potential employers, colleagues, clients, customers, and more.

    - Have fun with social media with their future in mind – in a stress free way!

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